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149. Italian Government new draconian measures to fight Corona Virus

Writer's picture: Giulio D'ErcoleGiulio D'Ercole

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

By Giulio D'Ercole

Last night, the Italian Government, with a new tightening of the measures against the Corona Virus, has enlarged the orange zone to the whole national territory. It has been a tough must necessary decision to take in order to overcome this terrible emergency Italy is facing. A decision that many other countries should very soon follow if they want to avoid the number of infected and dead people Italy is experiencing, as well as if they want to contain the potential medium and long run loss in their overall micro and macro economy, and if they want to avoid the collapsing of the health infrastructures.

Here a clear list of the restrictive measures in the Orange Area Zone, meaning in the whole of Italy

It is forbidden to enter and exit.

Travel in and out of Lombardy and the 14 provinces concerned is prohibited. We can only move for emergencies or "proven" work needs, which must however be authorized by the prefect. Absolute ban on mobility for those who have been in quarantine.

Cinemas, theaters and museums, cultural centers and ski resorts are closed.

The teaching activity for schools of all levels, universities and academies is suspended until April 3.

Bar and restaurants open from 6 to 18.

The decree introduces an opening hours allowed for restaurant and bar services, from 6 to 18, provided that the manager is able to comply with the "obligation" to ensure the interpersonal safety distance in the premises, with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation.

All Sport activities are suspended.

All gyms, swimming pools, spas, wellness centers, outdoor sports competitions are not allowed.

Shopping centers will have to be closed but only on the weekend.

Other commercial activities other than catering may remain open on condition that they are able to guarantee a distance of one meter between customers.

Contests are also suspended.

No weddings or funerals.

All organized events are also suspended, as well as events in a public or private place.

Anticipate holidays.

Whenever possible, employers are advised to encourage the use of ordinary leave or holidays

Limit travel.

It is recommended to limit, where possible, the movement of natural persons to strictly necessary cases".

Prohibition of staying in first aid waiting rooms.

Patient carers cannot stay in the emergency room waiting rooms. Access of relatives and visitors to hospitals is also limited.

Prohibition of mobility for quarantined individuals.

Public transport and sanitation of vehicles.

Public transport companies will have to take extraordinary means of disinfecting vehicles.

Anyone returning to Italy from countries with epidemiological risk must communicate it to the local health authority.

The sanctions.

Failure to comply with the provisions of the decree is punished pursuant to article 650 of the Criminal Code, as required by the law decree of 23 February, i.e. with the arrest of up to 3 months and a fine of up to 206 euros.

Expected results and hopes: the Light at the end of the tunnel.

If everybody in Italy will follow these measures thoroughly, and if other countries will do the same to avoid the worst pandemic ever known (since globalization has made all of us very much closer to one another than ever before), in two or three months time the situation will go back to normal and our life and activities should go back to normal with have a glorious new beginning.

A True and Better New Beginning for a New World

My hope though, is not only that the situation will go back to normal, but that our "normal" will be substantially different. My hope is that we will transform the challenge in a new opportunity, an opportunity for new enlightened awareness.

My hope is that we will use this time of crisis as a lesson learned to take better care of one another, that we will be a better community, that we will respond with the same engagement we have applied to the Corona Virus emergency to many other serious and equally severe crisis we are facing: climate change, racism, wars, migration, economic gap between those who have and those who have not, just to mention the most important ones.

This is Giulio D'Ercole, Rome Photo Fun Tours' wish and philosophy, and therefore today, for the first time, I will not post one of my photos of Rome, but a song that should be our new life Manifesto: Tracy Chapman's New Beginning.

Click on the photo to listen to Tracy's wonderful voice singing meaningful lyrics.

Rome Photo Fun Tours shares Italian new rules to fight Corona Virus
Italian Government new draconian measures to fight Corona Virus


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