155. Ponte Vittorio, Slow Shutter for a Speed Recovery to Light
153. Looking ahead, anticipating the pleasure of photographing the Great Eternal Beauty
151. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Galileo Galilei, Coronavirus, and Photography
150. Photographing Reality, Seeing the Invisible, Looking Ahead
149. Italian Government new draconian measures to fight Corona Virus
148. News regarding the Corona Virus in Italy
147. Rome Photo Fun Tours' Strategy to Keep You Safe from Corona Virus
146. Truthful, honest information on Italy and Corona Virus
145. The Healing Power of Photography
144. Rome Photo Fun Tours cares about You! Be informed! Travel Safely!
143. Come to Rome, Be Aware, not Afraid!
141. A Light Joggler Angel in the Vatican City
140. Beauty and Mystery of Rome under a Thunderstorm
139. Photographing Futurism Art at the Stadio dei Marmi
138. The reason why "Rome Photo Fun Tours" is FUN!!!!
136. Shooting Counter Light to capture St. Peter's Dome Mystical Beauty
133. Living in the past
132. Trastevere... the genuine eyes of Rome
131. Street musician performing at Pantheon, a joy for eyes and ears.
130. From Ramses II to A.S.Rome, the Pantheon fountain has some history.